I have been sent information about a Youth member of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) by what I presume to be a lady who may be a Friendster pal of either Dr. Punithan Shan (left) or Miss Akiko (right). After reading the links that was sent to me on conditions of anonimity, I did my own check to verify this very serious allegation against a Youth member of the MIC who has just graduated as a Doctor. What I discovered was very shocking indeed. It is strange to read this on the eve of Deepavali. I was reading about Deepavali in the following link http://www.malaysiakini.com/letters/91891
I've decided to give the alledge links of the Friendster correspondence between Punithan Shan and Akiko below. I've also reproduced part of the transcript of the Friendster correspondence between Punithan and Akiko who is an 18 year old University freshman.
Punithan Friendster link http://profiles.friendster.com/8135719
Akiko Friendster link http://profiles.friendster.com/75225143
Anonymous said...
The following is a transcript in Friendster messages between MIC Youth Dr. Punithan Shan and Miss Akiko. It shows that this Punithan is a fraud, a pervert and not a gentleman to break this girl's heart. As a woman, I want this guy to be exposed to all. He must not be allowed to take advantage of young girls again. Girls beware of him.Please post this in your blog Mr. Lazarus.
The following is a transcript in Friendster messages between MIC Youth Dr. Punithan Shan and Miss Akiko. It shows that this Punithan is a fraud, a pervert and not a gentleman to break this girl's heart. As a woman, I want this guy to be exposed to all. He must not be allowed to take advantage of young girls again. Girls beware of him.Please post this in your blog Mr. Lazarus.
Akiko Friendster http://www.friendster.com/photos/75225143
Punithan Friendster http://www.friendster.com/photos/8135719
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/8/2008 3:34 pm
Subject: Re: Hello from Japan
Message: greetings akiko,thanks for the sweet msg. Glad to know that you are interested on our cultur.please do tell more about you.
Akiko wrote:> Koniichiwa Punithan-san,>> My name is Akiko. I have been reading about you. You are very cute and interesting. I have read your blogs. You are a doctor right? You are also involve in politics. I am very interested to know about your culture.>> Last year I visited India.I visited Goa, Chennai and Bangalore. I like the food and culture. I may be visiting Malaysia sometime soon. Hope to meet you in person.>> Looking forward to hear from you.>> Love,>> Akiko.
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/9/2008 1:01 pm
Subject: 0 PunithaN ShaN wants to view your private photos.
Message: A message from 0 PunithaN ShaN: Hi Akiko, I am requesting permission to view your private photos. Thanks! -- 0 PunithaN ShaN0
PunithaN ShaN has permission to view your photos
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/9/2008 1:03 pm
Subject: Re: Hello from Japan
Message: hie dear,the pleasure is mine. u are a adventures plus religious girl. a very rare but intresting personality.i am eldest in the family. my father is a bussnesman and mom is a teacher.i dont really familiar with 'nudist'. hope to learn more on that.btw, may i know wich is ur pic?
Akiko wrote:> Ohaiyo gozaimas Punithan-san,>> I'm honored to have you as my friend. I don't know how to explain this but I feel that we have met before. I've read about karma. Maybe we knew each other ion our past life. Anyway I'm a university student.>> My father is a businessman while my mother is a dentist. I'm the eldest in my family. I like extreme sports like kickboxing. I'm also learning skydiving.>> I must tell you that I'm a naturist. Which means I'm a vegeterian and a nudist. I hope you are not offended to hear that I'm a nudist. I believe we are all created equal.>> When I'm at the budist retreat, I feel so safe and need not pretend to be what I'm not. People think that nudism and nudists are immoral but I don't think so. I may be a nudist but I'm proud to share with you Punithan-san that I'm a budists. I like to meet other fellow nudist because they are not judgemental or want to take advantage of you.>> I hope to share with you the beauty of budism and naturism. We are one with the Universe.>> I hope our friendship can grow. I want to learn more about you Punithan-san.> I hope that you too are a nudist. If you are not, I hope you will join me.>> Love,>> Akiko.>
0 PunithaN ShaN wrote:> > greetings akiko,> >> > thanks for the sweet msg. Glad to know that you are interested on our cultur.> >> > please do tell more about you.
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/10/2008 5:37 pm
Subject: Re: Hello from Japan
Message: Dear akiko,I am really speechless aft seeing your prvt photo. beauty without limits. only that i can say. i love the 2nd pic. simply sweet.
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/11/2008 3:56 pm
Subject: Re: Hello from Japan
Message: Hie akiko,you are welcome. I dont have a nude photo of myself currently. but i promise you that soon i'll send you one.do u have a boy friend?
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/12/2008 11:17 am
Subject: greeting for a sweet girl
Message: vanakkam akiko,you are praisisng me too much. I am just a normal guy with weakness also.Day by day, i find you more and more interesting and mysterious...Normally gals will be in control if see nude guys.... but its not that ez for the guys when they see nude gals. thats nature i guess.Yes you are very true ab sex, sex is a art, a sacred thing tht 2 shouls should worship and enjoy the same time.i'll try to get my nude pic and email it to you soon dear.i am a tamil.
Akiko wrote:> Ohaiyo gozaimas Punithan-san,>> How are you? I'm happy I was right about you. You are a true gentleman. You have values that Japanese men will envy.>> No, I don't have a boyfriend. Theguys I know of are only interested in taking advantage of me. Just because I'm a nudist doesn't mean I'm all for sex.>> Sex is only beautiful if it is pure and is shared with the person you lover where the mind, body and spirit of two hearts become one.>> I really like to take a journey of discovery with you Punithan-san. We have a lot ot discover about each other. The nude picture of our bodies is just the beginning of that journey. I'm looking forward to seeing your unclothed self.>> By the way, I've been doing some research. As you know I've been to India before. Are you a Hindi, Telugu or Tamil speaking person? I find these Indian languages fascinating.I must admit, I'm in love with Indian culture. Love>> Akiko.
From: 0 PunithaN ShaN Date: 09/13/2008 12:04 pm
Subject: miss you Message: miss your msg today....
Dr. Punithan Shan is also a fellow Blogger. His Blogs are:
couldn't get in cause the mail is private could you put up all the messages.
Storm in a teacup. I think what a man and a woman do with each other in the private is his own business. Why should double standards be applied to anybody - even a politician? If the majority of Malaysian men are having a good time with their women partner, then it's really not for us to care. Even politicians are human beings.
However, if he is cheating on his wife or engaging in the services of a prostitute, then it is another matter. It speaks volumes on his lack of principles. In this case, I am not sure if this politician in question is married.
well... this is the best you guys can come up with? better luck next time...
but do try something more civilized...
happy deepavali
Looks like some real desperate move to me….. … I am referring to the recent blogpost of my LOYAL blog follower lazarus . After few unsuccessful personal attacks, now a CHEAP so called sex scandal. ( Ref : http://darkjustice-lazarus.blogspot.com)
Well, In the spirit of the holly and scared festival Deepavali, I forgive your sins my fellow Malaysian brother.
But do remember one thing, you may get away with this falls allegations now, perhaps for you its just some kind of stupid
I would have expected you to give a clarification on this matter to clear your name. Anyway, I had promised to publish in full any clarification in full to help you clear your name. When I published the Article, never did I insinuate nor accuse you of anything. However, by responding with such immature sarcasm, which to me is unbecoming of a Doctor, you Punithan Shan, have just made this allegation against you more believable. By the way, your standard of written English doesn't reflect your profession.
Cheers and Happy Diwali!
Akiko wrote:> Ohaiyo gozaimas Punithan-san,>> How are you? I'm happy I was right about you. You are a true gentleman. You have values that Japanese men will envy.>> No, I don't have a boyfriend. Theguys I know of are only interested in taking advantage of me. Just because I'm a nudist doesn't mean I'm all for sex.>>
You Punithan are a PARIAH! You have brought disgrace to all Indians. It is not Lazarus who needs God to forgive him but it is dogs like you who needs God's mercy. You MIC shit are all the same. Podah Punni Chunni!!!
Come on la, Good Doctor pls. be a sport and let her have your nude fotos oso.
She feels cheated coz, God knows how many times you wanked and spanked your monkey and spewed all da milky thingy all over your pc just lookin' at her sexy nude fotos and leavin' her high n dry.
Not fair la.
Have a nice day!
Punithan If you gentleman you tell truth and dont deny. What you do is your business. But dont lie because you are doctor. You are not holy man, so dont talk about God. I worry about your ethic of being doctor. I have seen your picture in Akiko Friendster and Akiko picture in your Friendster. Please explain.
Dey Punithan! You think you are so smart by removing Akiko's picture from your Friendster profile in order to cover your tracks. But guess what, your chunni faced picture is still in Akiko's Friendster for the world to see. Try explaining that. No doubt in whatever that was said about you in Lazarus posting. You are nothing but filt. No mother must allow you to marry her daughter. Anjedi karan!
If you are not guilty of anything
why did you remove Akiko's photo???
Are you hiding something???
- [ Terjemahkan laman ini ]
Kesavan, Akiko, Lazarus, Theshi, your advice is taken into consideration. Thank you. This Scribe has given sufficient answers on this matter, ...
margeemar.blogspot.com/2008/08/mic-youth-bush-whacks-margeemar-scribe.html - 107k
written by AKIKO, October 28, 2008 23:03:36
It was reported by .malaysiakini, that it was time to engage with Hindraf. However this would be impossible with MIC wanting to be in the picture and putting its nose where it doesn't belong. The MIC had better come up with a good explaination instead, regarding the the issue surrounding its Youth Member Dr. Punithan Shan. Read on at http://darkjustice-lazarus.blogspot.com
Akiko said...
The MIC Youth, pro-MIC Blogger Punithan Shan and a host of MIC supporters attacked popular blogger MarGeeMar for using the word 'PARIAH'. Now, MarGeemar is challenging them to do the same to Muhammad Shafee Abdullah for using the word 'PARIAH'. Btw, I came to understand that MarGeeMar is neither Indian nor Hindu. Read MarGeeMar's challenge to MIC here http://margeemar.blogspot.com
August 18, 2008 10:30 PM
LAZARUS said...
Already, Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad appeared to signal the government’s defeat by conceding that a PR Federal Government "can really happen.” Mahathir believes that lawmakers from Sabah and Sarawak could be expected to cross over to the opposition, and could well be followed by coalition MPs from peninsular Malaysia.
August 19, 2008 3:55 PM
LAZARUS said...
BN USING CYBER TROOPERS TO ATTACK DSAI & PR! I found this interesting Blog posting at http://margeemar.blogspot.com
The BN is using the internet via pro-BN blogs to deceive the people to turn against DSAI and Pakatan Rakyat. What’s sad is that in this particular case the blogger is a final year medical student who is willing to throw away his medical ethics just to lie and spin for the BN. I hope the MMA is reading this. I think DSAI and PKR must take legal action against this irresponsible Blogger who goes by the name of Punithan Shan.
a really cheap tactic indeed. i have been following the comments since august. and this samyavee, margeemar, lazarus and akiko been constantly attacking and tarnishing MIC's name.
now another cheap tactic.
do fight like a man or shall i say like a human. if you cant just shut it up.
MIC is still screwing the Indians, through its rebranding by recruiting youths to replenish its gang of thieves.
Its the same shit with some new wrappings.
But smells the same.
MIC only can produce such youths....
spoiling Malaysian Indian everywhere...
This is appears to be a really lame attempt to discredit Punithan.
I have been following the exchange of comments between him and the bloggers, and this really seems to be a hit below the belt.
It is even more pathetic that you choose to link my letter to Malaysiakini in an attempt to get your post publicized there.
Cheap stunt from a cheap individual.
OMG - You people are amazing!
Wonder if we could write this into the script of a third rate,malaysian produced tamil drama.
Hmmmmmm.Something to ponder about.
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